Pada saat mesin bekerja, gesekan terjadi berulang-ulang antarkomponen mesin. Hal ini dapat mengakibatkan keausan pada bagian permukaannya. Oli pelumas akan membuat permukaan menjadi licin, sehingga gesekan langsung antarkomponen mesin tersebut dapat dicegah. Besarnya gesekan bisa menyebabkan mesin mengalami over heat hingga macet atau menyebabkan kerusakan pada silinder dan piston, seperti ketidakberesan pompa oli, kebocoran pada saluran oli, dan bisa juga karena faktor salah pemakaian jenis oli itu sendiri. Untuk itu, ada baiknya mengikuti tips seperti disampaikan, berikut ini, untuk menggunakan oli pelumas.
* Jenis Oli (Pelumas)
Berdasarkan bahan bakunya ada tiga jenis oli yang beredar di pasar, yakni mineral, semi sintetis, dan sintetis. Pelumas mineral, material dasarnya adalah minyak bumi yang diolah menjadi minyak pelumas. Jika kemudian hasil olahan tersebut ditambah dengan bahan sintetis lain untuk mencapai standar mutu yang lebih baik, maka produknya disebut dengan pelumas semi sintetis. Kualitas lebih tinggi lagi disebut pelumas sintetis.
* Standar Kekentalan Oli
Oli dapat diklasifikasikan dari viskositas atau tingkat kekentalannya. Dalam kemasan oli, biasanya ditemukan kode huruf dan angka yang memperlihatkan hal itu. Contohnya SAE 40, SAE 50, SAE 90, dan seterusnya. SAE singkatan dari Society of Automotive Engineers atau Ikatan Ahli Teknik Otomotif, yang menetapkan standar kekentalan pada suhu 100 oC. Angka di belakangnya menunjukkan tingkat kekentalannya.
Kode angka multi grade seperti 10W-50 merupakan kekentalan yang bisa berubah-ubah sesuai suhu di sekitarnya. Huruf W di belakang angka 10 adalah singkatan Winter (musim dingin). Jadi pelumas tersebut artinya mempunyai tingkat kekentalan yang setara dengan SAE 10 (di udara dingin), tapi ketika udara panas kekentalannya sama dengan SAE 50.
* Klasifikasi Mutu Oli
Klasifikasi mutu minyak pelumas ditentukan oleh API (American Petroleum Institute). Klasifikasi mutu sebuah oli ditandai pada kemasannya dengan kode huruf, biasanya ada dua bagian yang dipisahkan dengan garis miring, misal API Service SG/CD, SH+/CE+, dan sebagainya. Kode dengan huruf S adalah kependekan dari service (atau spark yang berarti percikan api), adalah spesifikasi pemakaian oli untuk mesin bensin. Sedangkan huruf C adalah kependekan dari commerce (atau compression karena pembakaran terjadi pada tekanan udara yang lebih tinggi), adalah spesifikasi pemakaian oli untuk mesin diesel. Kemudian untuk huruf kedua pada kode adalah tingkatan mutunya sesuai dengan urutan huruf alphabet. Semakin mendekati huruf Z, maka semakin tinggi atau baik mutunya.
* Pilih Yang Tepat dan Berkualitas
Ikuti petunjuk buku petunjuk manual kendaraan yang kita pakai. Jika disarankan menggunakan SAE 20W-50, maka jangan membeli oli dengan standar viskositas yang berbeda. Apalagi karena alasan lebih murah dan sebagainya. Sebab kinerja dan karakter mesin memerlukan spesifikasi oli tersendiri.
* Waspadai Oli Aspal. Belilah oli di tempat penjualan atau bengkel resmi.
Cocokkan Oli dengan Karakter Mesin
Tiga detik paling kritis
Tiga detik paling menentukan bagi pengemudi adalah saat dia menyelempangkan seatbelt di tubuhnya dan menuntaskan dengan bunyi klik!. Saat itulah dia menempatkan dirinya dalam perlindungan optimal yang hingga kini terus dipuji-puji.
Di USA, seatbelt dipuji-puji sebagai perangkat yang mampu memberikan perlindungan maksimal dengan mengurangi cidera serius dan kematian. Di negara dengan populasi mobil terbesar di dunia, seatbelt menyelamatkan lebih dari 10,000 nyawa per tahun.
Lihat saja angka-angka yang dirilis National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Menurut lembaga itu, antara 1982 – 1988 sabuk pengaman telah menyelamatkan 118,361 jiwa dan khusus 1999, sebanyak 11,197 jiwa. Diperkirakan bila semua penumpang di kursi depan memasang seatbelt pada tahun itu, sebanyak 9,553 jiwa lagi bisa diselamatkan.
Sedangkan penelitian yang dilakukan Departemen Transportasi Canada menunjukkan, seatbelt (saja) berhasil menyelamatkan 11,690 nyawa dalam rentang waktu 1990 – 2000. Sebagai pembanding, airbag (saja) hanya menyelamatkan 313 nyawa.
Sayangnya, di Indonesia penggunaan seatbelt kurang disadari. Bahkan banyak orang menilai seatbelt cuma bikin ribet saja. Padahal pengemudi/penumpang depan punya risiko tewas 55% lebih tinggi bila tidak menggunakan seatbelt (NHTSA, 1996).
Di USA hal serupa juga terjadi. Di sana, pengguna seatbelt hanya di kisaran 73% saja. Sementara orang-orang Eropa dan Canada lebih tahu diri, tingkat penggunaan seatbelt mencapai 90%.
Mengapa seatbelt sangat dianjurkan? Coba bayangkan. Pada saat mobil menumbuk sesuatu, kecepatannya langsung anjlok hingga nol, sementara penumpangnya tetap bergerak dengan kecepatan sesaat sebelum tumbukan (ingat ‘kan hukum kelembaman Fisika Dasar dulu?).
Penumpang tanpa seatbelt akan meluncur keras menumbuk apa saja di depannya, mulai dari dashboard, kemudi, kaca depan, bahkan bisa terlempar keluar (di New Jersey, dalam satu dekade terakhir, sekitar 700 orang terlempar keluar gara-gara tidak mengenakan seatbelt). Sedangkan penumpang dengan seatbelt tetap tertahan di kursinya, karena energi kinetik tubuh diredam seatbelt.
Untuk mendapatkan perlindungan maksimal, gunakan seatbelt sesuai petunjuk. Saat ini kebanyakan mobil menggunakan seatbelt tiga titik. Pastikan sabuk pengaman melintasi bahu, melintang di dada dan melintasi pangkuan. Pastikan juga pengunci telah bekerja baik. Seringkali pengguna ceroboh dan melintangkan seatbelt di perut atau leher. Ini justru bisa berakibat fatal bila terjadi kecelakaan.
Namun seatbelt punya sisi negatif juga. Alat ini tidak aman digunakan orang tua, karena bisa menimbulkan cidera pada bagian dada. Seatbelt juga tidak aman untuk wanita hamil. Untuk mengurangi risiko itu, seatbelt mutakhir biasanya dilengkapi dengan alat tambahan seperti pretensiometer dan force limiter.
Pretensiometer mengencangkan sabuk ketika benturan terjadi, menghilangkan kenduran dan membantu tubuh penumpang/pengemudi tetap di kursinya. Force limiter, yang biasanya ditemukan bersama pre tensioners, mengendurkan belt sesaat setelah benturan, guna menghindari cidera pada dada.
Untuk mengurangi potensi cidera, Safety Research Center milik Ford Motor Co., kini sedang mengembangkan seatbelt yang dapat mengembang, yang diharapkan lebih aman dan lebih optimal melindungi pengendara mobil.
Seatbelt baru yang disebut inflatable belt ini, bekerja mirip airbag. Bila terjadi benturan, seatbelt ini akan mengembang untuk memperluas area yang menahan tubuh, sehingga gaya kinetik tubuh lebih cepat diserap.
Saat ini, lebar seatbelt sekitar 2 inchi. Pada inflatable belt, lebar itu dapat mengembang hingga tiga kali lipat menjadi 6 inchi. Efeknya, berat badan dapat di distribusikan pada area yang lebih lebar, otomatis tekanan pada tubuh menjadi lebih kecil. Dengan demikian, risiko cidera dada dapat dikurangi.
Untuk meningkatkan penggunaan seatbelt di USA, NHTSA mendesak perusahaan otomotif untuk memasang perangkat baru yang dapat mendorong pengendara memasang seatbelt-nya.
Lembaga itu bahkan mengharuskan semua mobil yang dipasarkan di USA dilengkapi pendengung (buzzer) dan lampu berkedip di dashboard yang mengingatkan pengendara untuk memasang seatbelt-nya.
Prangkat sejenis sudah diaplikasikan Ford Motor Co. pada semua produk keluaran 2002. Perangkat yang disebut BeltMinder ini akan mendengung dan lampu di dashboard akan berkedip-kedip, bila pengendara tidak memasang seatbelt-nya lebih dari lima menit.
The Honda CRV Petrol and Diesel Models
The Honda CRV was introduced in 2003 to take over from the previous model available whose roots can be traced back to 1996. The Honda CRV is a sports utility vehicle (SUV) and is available with a choice of petrol and diesel engines.
This article details the Honda CRV SUV, specifications and options, where to buy new and used Honda CRVs and running costs.
The Honda CRV is powered by a choice of 2.0ltr or 2.2ltr turbodiesel mated to either six-speed manual or automatic gearboxes. The new Honda CRV is wider, lower and slightly shorter than the previous version.
Honda CRV Engines:
The diesel Honda CRV, with its CTDi badge, is available in SE, ES and Ex trim levels with Ex providing most goodies. The petrol cars are available in SE, ES and Ex trim.
The Ex models, with both petrol and diesel engines, are also available with an advanced safety pack which provides advanced cruise control with collision mitigation braking system (CMBS).
The fuel efficient common-rail turbo diesel models will give around 43mpg on combined cycle, while achieving 50mpg on long motorway runs.
All this while producing an incredible 350NM torque at just 2000rpm, fantastic if your looking for a vehicle for towing.
The 2.0ltr petrol cars are mated to either an automatic or 6-speed manual gearbox.
Expect to get around 34mpg on the combined cycle or up to 40mpg on long motorway drives.
Honda CRV Safety:
The Honda CRV has a very comprehensive range of safety features. All models get Vehicle Stability Assist (VSA), Trailer Stability Assist (TSA), Anti-lock brakes (ABS), Electronic brake force distribution.
The Honda CRV has driver, passenger and side air bags as standard. An external temperature sensor will show you when it's getting dangerously cold outside. The Honda CRV has remote central locking, driver, passenger and side/curtain airbags.
Honda CRV Security:
All cars get an alarm and rolling code ECU engine immobilizer, deadlocks and locking wheel nuts, lockable glove box, and externally visible VIN Number.
In the Honda CRV you can take a lot of gear with you. The rear seats have a 60:40 split, fold flat, and can comfortably fit 3 people in the back. The Honda CRV boot capacity with the rear seats up is 556 litres up to the window line, drop the back seats and the storage space increases to 695 ltrs. The boot also features an additional 12v socket and under floor storage area.
Honda CRV Options:
If you buy a Honda CRV then you'll be pleased with the array options which come as standard on a Honda CRV. In Ex spec, the Honda CRV has leather seats available in a variety of colours. Heating and cooling is controlled by a dual-zone climate control system, which provides separate temperature environments for driver and passenger. The Ex models also get electrically operated heated seats for driver and passenger, which have two heat settings. Steering mounted controls include cruise control and remote control audio buttons.
A touchscreen DVD Sat Nav system comes as standard on the Ex models, it includes voice recognition and Bluetooth phone connection. The integrated Sat Nav also handles the in-car-entertainment system, radio and CD functions, temperature and air-con and other various settings. The Sat Nav system is quite advanced and can take you anywhere in Europe. The CD player in ex spec has traffic alerts and there's a socket for an MP3 player.
All cars get electric windows, electrically adjustable and heated door mirrors, front and rear arm rests. Other options include: reverse parking sensors, roof racks, dog bars, sports suspension and an integrated Bluetooth system.
Honda CRV Accessories:
We love accessories and with the Honda CRV you won't be left wanting with a great range of stylish and practical accessories for your new or used Honda CRV. The 'Premium Pack' provides you with Body Coloured Door Protectors, Protective Boot Tray, Stainless steel doorstep garnishes, elegance floor carpets, There's a detachable towing bar which works with the vehicles Trailer Stability Assist feature, and a 'Dynamic Pack' which upgrades the CRV with additional spoilers and sporty 19 inch alloy wheels.
Honda CRV Running costs:
The diesel Honda CRV is insurance group 10, 2.0ltr petrol Honda CRV is group 11.
Honda cars come with a 90'000 mile/3 year warranty and service intervals at 12'500 miles. Emissions are around 171g/km for the diesel units, 190 for the 2.0ltr petrol models.
Honda has produced a quality product and as usual with Honda's the Honda CRV has an excellent reliability record.
Hyundai Veracruz The New LUV
LUV? What is LUV??
And no, we are not talking about some new chat lingo or cell phone texting shorthand. LUV stands for Luxury Utility Vehicle.
As the market exploded for the traditional SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle), many consumers wanted the power and performance of these popular automobiles but also wanted the style and comfort of there preferred automobiles.
The ever changing world of car consumers demanded that car manufacturers keep up with the demands of a fast paced society and recognize that while the demands placed on multi income families required a vehicle which could be used for many utility purposes, the drivers still wanted style and class in their automotive choice.
The answer came from quite an unexpected source. Hyundai, long known for small compact economy cars, introduced an entire line of cars to meet this growing demand for the best of both worlds. The Hyundai Veracruz is the top of the line in their LUV series of vehicles.
Debuted in South Korea in 2006, this functional yet stylish auto is now available in the US starting back in 2007. When first launched, this Hyundai was mistaken for a Lexus or other more expensive cars. This, many believe, was Hyundai’s intention and it is believed by car experts that this is the launch of an entire new line of cars by Hyundai which will compete with other luxury car manufacturers such as Cadillac, Acura, Lexus, Infiniti, and Lincoln.
The other automobiles in this new LUV line of cars is the Santa Fe series as well as the Azera series. The Veracruz, however is the largest in the LUV line until the proposed Portico series which is scheduled for launching in 2009.
But for now the Hyundai Veracruz is the top of the line LUV and deserves a serious look for those car consumers who want performance and comfort in their cars as well as raw power and versatility.
But how does it really stack up against the other cars in this class? After all, if the Lexus RX 350 is indeed the target, does the Veracruz meet the mark or miss the target completely?
Most experts agree that the Hyundai Veracruz does indeed meet expectations and performance standards of any car in the LUV class. While the looks of the car, as judged by some, is generic and forgettable, on power, performance, quality and safety issues, the Veracruz is a car to consider if looking for a cheaper option to the Lexus or other luxury car in this class.
At a starting base price of around $27,000 the Hyundai Veracruz is an enticing option in this market and many will love the LUV.
Honda Walking Assist devices (2009) CAR review
If you thought yesterday’s CAR test of Honda’s U3-X electric unicycle was weird, wait until you here about these two ‘walking assist’ devices. Since 1999 Honda has been researching and developing walking assist devices for people with leg problems, and CAR has just tested two such contraptions. Read on for our full review.
So what are these new Honda walking assist systems?
The first – and more simplistic – device is (to use its full name) Honda’s Walking Assist Device with Stride Management System. (Let’s call it Stride Assist.) It’s designed to help people with leg problems, mainly Japan’s OAP 65+ population – which will make up a fifth of the populace next year, and 35% by 2050 – but it can also help those rehabilitating after accidents.
There are three parts to the device. The first is a belt, with adjustable straps at the front, and a solid section at the rear that runs from one hip, around your back, to the other hip. The solid section also houses the battery pack and computer control, which nestles in the small of your back, while a small motor hangs down from the belt on either hip. And to accommodate big Westerners, and those with childbearing hips, Honda has also developed three different size belts, with either 312, 342 or 372mm of space between the motors.
Once the belt is in place, a thin frame is then clipped into the bottom of each motor. At the bottom of each frame are two pads, which hang just above your knee. One is placed on your hamstring and the other on your quad, and then they’re secured in place.
Being strapped in by Honda’s engineers makes you feel like Iron Man getting dressed, but once you’ve actually adjusted all the straps for yourself, it takes less than 10 seconds to put the Stride Assist system on. The whole thing, at least in 342mm size, weighs just 2.8kg, and with the lithium-ion batteries fully charged, there’s two hours’ charge if you walk at around 3mph.
And then?
Then you press the ‘on’ button on each motor and set off. The torque of the electric motor is sent through the thigh frames to your legs, so when you take a step forward your leg is helped from behind, and on the second part of the stride the pad on your quad pushes your leg back. Sensors on the inside of the motors detect the angle of your hips and decide how the timing and how much assistance you need.
At first you walk a little like Robocop, awkwardly stepping forward, but you soon start to adjust to the motor’s inputs. It helps you up stairs too, but not down - so you don’t fall, in theory. But the biggest difference you notice is when you take Stride Assist off and suddenly feel how heavy your legs are, and what an effort it takes to walk.
So far Honda has trialled Stride Assist in care homes, rehabilitation centres and hospitals. Honda found that when its patients (average age 78) used the device twice a week for three months it lengthened their stride and thus walking speed. And when test subjects were made to walk up hills, their heart rate was on average 20bpm lower with Stride Assist.
By Ben Pulman