cross joint

Mobil yang menganut sistem penggerak roda belakang sering sekali mengalami problem pada propeller shaft atau yang lebih populer disebut dengan as kopel. Bila bagian ini rusak, maka mobil akan mengalami getaran berlebihan yang terasa di bagian ruang penumpang ketika dijalankan di atas 60km/jam. Dan gejala itu akan semakin keras ketika kecepatan mobil ditambah.

Kalau Anda merasakan gejala semacam itu, itu tandanya ada kerusakan di bagian cross joint yang terdapat pada as kopel. Cara mengatasinya tentu sangat gampang, tinggal mengganti cross joint itu. Cuma persoalannya, seringkali cross joint baru tidak dapat lagi dipasang secara presisi pada bagian yoke-nya lantaran sudah terjadi keausan pada lubang dudukan cross joint-nya. Sehingga, meski telah diganti baru, getaran itu tetap saja membandel.

Karena itu, kalau di bagian lubang dudukan cross joint itu sudah aus, sebelum pemasangan ada baiknya dioleskan terlebih dahulu lem plastic steel yang bayak ditemui di toko besi. Caranya, bersihkan terlebih dahulu bagian lubang itu, --termasuk juga cross joint hingga terbebes dari gemuk atau oli. Anda dapat melakukannya dengan menggunakan lap kain yang telah dibasahi dengan bensin. Setelah itu, baru dioleskan plastik steel yang adonanya telah disiapkan, dan segera diikuti dengan pemasangan cross joint baru. Anda tak perlu menunggu pasta plastic steel itu hingga kering, karena hanya akan menyusahkan teknik pemasangannya.

Setelah terpasang rapi, ada baiknya Anda mengoleskan plastik steel itu di beberapa sudut agar rumah luar cross joint terpasang kuat ke rumah yoke-nya. Sehingga, cross joint dapat bekerja normal ketika as kopel digerakkan dalam empat arah. Selamat mencoba! [cq] Sumber:

The car that rear-wheel drive system adheres very often have problems on propeller shaft or more popularly referred to as coupling. When this section is damaged, then the car will experience excessive vibration felt in the passenger space when running on top of 60km/jam. And symptoms will be even harder when the speed of the car plus.
If you feel such symptoms, it was a sign there is damage in the joint cross section located on the axle coupling. The fix is very easy, just replace the cross joint. Only problem is, often cross the new joint can no longer mounted on the yoke of precision it has happened because the wear on the mounting holes of his cross joint. Thus, although new has been replaced, the vibration was still stubborn.
Therefore, if the mounting holes that cross the joint is worn, before installation it's good plastic glue smeared first encountered stout steel at the hardware store. How, to clean up first part of the hole, - including the cross joint until terbebes of fat or oil. You can do this using a cloth dampened with gasoline. After that, the new plastic smeared steel adonanya has been prepared, and immediately followed by the installation of a new joint cross. You do not need to wait for plastic steel paste it to dry, as it will only bother the installation technique.
Once installed neatly, you'll want to put plastic steel in some corners for a house outside the cross joint yoke is attached securely to his house. Thus, cross joints can work as normal when the coupling is moved in four directions.

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